版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本
Georgian Dictionary is fully offline.There are approximately 25,600+ words in this dictionary.
Features of the app:
- Home: In Home all the words and their meanings are shown in list. User can search any word from there. If you click
any word details of that word will be shown in details screen. User can save any word as favorite.
-Search With Suggsetion: In this screen user can search any word. When user starts enter any word the word will be shown
in suggestion list. If user click on this word the details will be shown.
- Favorite: In this screen all the favorite words user select will be shown. When user click any word details will be
- History: All the previous selected words are shown here in list. User can see the details by clicking it.
- Game: User can play game upon different categories (From all words, From favorite, from history)
- Synonyms, Antonyms, Examples, Parts Of Speech, Some scientific terms.
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